Sunday 15 April 2012

Foot fist aasana for work life remedies

When I think of the extraordinarily perceptive people, I think of one person before I think of others. On separate occasions, he has told me stuff about me. Things, which were completely unfamiliar till they were said, but felt intensely familiar once they were. Things, which my family and close friends wouldn’t have been able to identify or articulate as quickly and as clearly. Needless to say, I have always been all ears to whatever he’s had to say. Even if those things seemed counter-intuitive at first.
Here’s one such. Some years ago, when I was confused and agitated about some personal matters, he told me, “focus on your work and your personal life will begin to look up”. I remained quiet, but knew that he could sense my discomfort with his advice. He added, “sometimes, our problems, whether in life or at work, don’t go away even if we continuously dwell on them and persistently go after them”. He prepared some tea, handed me a cup, took a few sips from his own, and continued, “your personal life and your work life are wired together since they are both yours, yes ?”. Not waiting for my answer he pressed further, “if you agree that things going wrong in one of them adversely impact the other, then you should also agree that improving one will positively affect the other”. He concluded, “it works both ways ... doing well at home lifts the scene at work too”.
When I look around, I find instances of people focussing on work when they have personal issues. But I rarely find examples of people focussing on their personal lives when faced with troubles at work. Even though it seems a reasonable thing to do.
Try this simple activity I got to know of from a friend. It’s very easy and will take you only a few seconds. I promise.
Step 1 : Rotate your right foot in the clockwise direction.
Step 2 : While continuing to do so, begin rotating your right fist in the anti-clockwise direction. What happens to the rotation of the foot as a result ?
Step 3 : Now, rotate your right fist in the clockwise direction.
Step 4 : While continuing to do so, begin rotating your right foot in the anti-clockwise direction. What happens to the rotation of the fist as a result ?
Step 5 : Finally, while rotating both in any direction, change the speed of rotation of one and see what happens to the speed of rotation of the other.
J Neat, isn’t it ?


  1. Reading and dancing. it was fun

    1. When a doctor friend told me about it, I was struck by how good an example of alignment, synchronicity, etc, the activity was.
